Tuesday, January 21, 2014


Okay, so it's kind of obvious that I've been sort of negligent of my blog for the past week and apologies don't seem appropriate...but really there's nothing I can do to prove the sincere-ness of my apology, so to make up for it I give you guys a link to a few giveaways well, it's really a link to the links of the Cress blog tour, but there is giveaway(s) for paperbacks of Cinder and Scarlet, a hardback for Cress and a Cress comb.

I know that not only did I miss Friday Randomness and weekend reviews I promised but also the regular Movie Monday...this week though (at least the rest of it) I promise to keep up, or at least do my best to do so...

That's really all I have today, an apology...btw in case you haven't noticed the poll results were inconclusive (even though technically one of those 'no' votes was a non-reader trying to spite me)


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